How I Gave “Knot On Call” A Boat Name Design Theme
My favorite part of the boat name process is designing it to customer’s ideas. When I first sit with a new customer I can usually tell the kind of boat name they are looking for. After some brainstorming I write down all the ideas and graphics that they may want to see.
When I begin the Boat Name Graphic Design Concepts and Proofs I collect all the pieces of clip art, fonts and background theme ideas all on one canvas. I then put together a collage of fonts with and without drop shadows.
I put the name of the boat that the customer asked for and dress it up with theme related objects to tie the name together and make it their own marine identity.
Next I tie in all the fonts. I first ask how the customer how they imagined their boat name to look like. Then I bring to the table at least 10-12 different fonts that are pleasant to the eye. I pick fonts that are designed for certain themes. In this case a nautical theme.
It is now time to send the first proof! I send the customer a proof that looks like a canvas with every part of the theme they imagined. I also put together right off the bat one to two designs that I believe the customer would like.
In this case I designed four concepts. This starts the ball rolling. I reply back to customers emails immediately to continue the momentum. I mark the proof by number so not to confuse the direction the design process is taking. The customer asked for some final changes. I show eaxct dementions and photoshop it to look like it is already on their boat.
Off to the printing process. I break the drawing up in three colors, Grey, Blue and Black. Each color will overlap to show a three color logo. Each color is printed on a separate roll of that color. I will install the blue and black at the studio and add the black graphics later on in the install. The vinyl I use is an 8yr, 3M product. 3M seems to be the best because of the durability compared to other brands. But not always necessarily used.
The install was on an early Thursday morning. Sunrise at 6:49. Temperature 73°, clear skies with a light breeze from the east. Perfect weather for a boat name install. I first cleaned the back of the boat with a little bit if acetone to remove any dirt particles. But because this was a brand new boat, there was not much to clean.

The Boat Name Install at 6:30 AM at Marina 1, Dunedin
The Finished product came out perfect. The product is exactly what the proofs showed. I really work hard when producing design proofs. I love to show a boat name on a boat like it was already finished.